Devon Moran

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This app allows the user to create timelines about any subject of his or her choosing. It uses NodeJS, Bootstrap, 3 handlebars pages, 2 form input pages, 2 APIs, Sequelize, 3 data tables and visjs CDN provided the timeline template.

A restaurant/recipe locator app in which the user enters his or her location, and then selects a cuisine of food provided by the site. When the type of food is selected, the user is provided with a list of local restaurants, along with a list of recipes. It allows for the user to efficiently decide if he or she wants to cook, or try a new restaurant in the area.

This app is meant to emulate Amazon and it is appropreiately named "Bamazon". It used JS, My MQL and the npm install package to use mysql and prompt. The products are organized into "Product ID, Product Name, Department Name, Price and stock quantity". The User is asked to input the ID of the item he or she would like to buy, and then is prompted to enter a number that they want to buy. If it is less than the stock quantity, they are able to "buy" and it shows the total price. If they want more than the number in stock, they are given an given a prompt that says that there is not that enough in the stock quantity. They are then asked if they would like to make a second purchage and have to input "y" for yes and "n" for no. If they say yes, the list of products is displayed again and they are asked for the Product ID and the process repeats.

To briefly summarize the scoring for this form of bowling: ● One game of bowling is made up of ten frames. ● In each frame, the bowler has two throws to knock down all the pins. ● Possible results for a frame: o Strike (‘X’): the bowler knocks down all 10 pins on the first throw. The frame is over early. The score for the frame is 10 plus the total pins knocked down on the next two throws. o Spare (‘/’): the bowler knocks down all 10 pins using two throws. The score for the frame is 10 plus the number of pins knocked down on the next throw. o Open frame: the bowler knocks down less than 10 pins with his two throws. The score for the frame is the total number of pins knocked down.

This app uses firebase and allows the user to see the frequency and time of train arrivals, based on the initial information entered by the user

Test your Harry Potter knowledge with a timed trivia game. Challenge your friends and see who the ultimate HP expert is!

This app is similar to the iPhone's "Siri" in that it answers questions posed by the user. It uses node.js to console log information about a specific song, movie, or concert location using the spotify API, the Bands in Town API and the OMDB API. This link brings you to my github Repo with further details/instructions, the code and a video displaying it working.

This game uses the command line for the user input, as he or she guesses different football team letter by letter. When you guess the letter correctly, your score goes up so you can win the game. If you miss enough guesses, your score will decrease and ultimately you will lose. This game uses inquirer and prompt npm packages.